We recommend you to start with the basic challenges and do them ordered. Once you feel comfortable doing those you can pick one of the advanced challenges.

Some, but not all, of the challenges will have answers, so that you can verify your answers with these.


The basic challenges should be done in order.

  1. Count the number of events
  2. Count the number of registered players
  3. Count the number of players registered per month


Not all the advanced challenges have to be done in order. The first advanced (Find the most popular quizzes) is a good starter, but feel free to read the challenges and pick the one you like most.

Remember: we made it easy for you, the stream of events is ordered and contains no duplicates

  1. Find the most popular quizzes
  2. Find the most popular quizzes (part 2)
  3. Find the most popular quizzes (part 3)
  4. Look for bots
  5. Who won this game
  6. Who has the quiz high score (depends on Who won this game)
  7. Top player of the month (depends on Who won this game)
  8. Types of players